March 2019

It’s been a while since my last blog and what a month February turned out to be.  Beautiful weather combined with lambing finishing and a clear cattle T.B test… Boom!  I think we were all led to believe that spring had come early but Mother Nature had other ideas.

So far in March we have all been left wet and windswept and I hope all our friends and customers were not subjected to any serious damage throughout the recent gales.

Smutt, the terrier, doesn’t care if it’s rainy or blowing a gale.  All she is interested in, is believing that she is master of all she surveys even to the point that she thinks that the cows should be afraid of her as long as she is outside the gate where they can’t get to her.  I think our old terrier, Dorothy would be quite glad if Smutt was to be adopted by someone else allowing her some sanctity.

Looking out of the office window, the pet lambs that were fed Downland Ewe Milk Replacer are absolutely thriving, running up and down the hedge playing, only stopping to gorge themselves with Harpers Lamb Starter Pellets out of the sheep feeder.  Only one week to go before the clocks change and hopefully we can rest assured that spring is here.  The clocks changing is usually combined with the first sign of swallows returning, something that always excites most country people as there is a great feeling of optimism.

Now is the time to be reseeding any damaged patches in the field that have been poached by animals during the winter, obviously with a helpful hand and a spreading fertilizer will see everything return to its former glory.  We have in stock a patching mix along with many other grass seed to fulfil everyone’s needs.

Fencing stakes seem to be in short supply nationally and with animals about to be turned out after the winter, it may pay to contact us to see what is available.  On April 13th we are having an open day which will include many reps both agricultural and equine being present for advice and also some offers will be available on the day.  Bring your poultry to sell or your wallet to buy as I’m sure there will be plenty of poultry for sale on the day.

All our friendly staff are available for help and advice.