Here we are at the beginning of February with Christmas being a dim and distant memory. As Spring gets closer many sheep farmers will no doubt be preparing for or are taking part in the annual turmoil known as the ‘lambing season’.
January was very mild with the weather conditions allowing young lambs to be turned out into the field freeing up the housing and removing the stress levels. We at Cornwall Countryside Supplies have just finished lambing and with the help of Harpers Ewe Master Nuts and Lamb Starter Pellets the lambs are thriving. Fingers crossed for an early Spring.
With the days growing longer and the birds beginning to start singing it will hopefully lift everyone’s spirits after the dark winter days.
At Eastleigh, we have recently had four broody hens which are now in their prospective runs with their chicks, a sight I never get sick of. We have point of lay pullets in stock which are already dropping eggs and we are looking for homes for the beautiful Pekin cockerels who daily parade around the yard like ‘The Rat Pack’.
Our new Jack Russell puppy ‘Smut’ has been with us for about a month and already rules the roost, checking the sheep with me at night, chasing the odd cat and continually under our feet. Cornwall Countryside Supplies prides itself on being a home from home shopping experience and Julie’s tea room is always a delight to all customers being warm, homely and full of lovely homemade cakes.
Just a note for your diary, 13th April 2019 is our open day with lots of planned activity.